Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I apoligize for not posting a new entry in a while..things have been a little crazy for me right now :)
This picture means a lot to me...there are just certain places that you feel like you will always remember in your mind..those certain places you take a picture of in your mind deliberatley promising yourself you will never forget how you felt in that moment...well I love that I got this shot when I did...the weather was cool, the ice was melting away on the river, and the lighting was perfect....
photography allows us to catch those moments and images we hold so close to our hearts..(i know it's cheesy haha) but it's true! I will have this photo and it will always bring back those feelings and instances :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My all time favorite Portraits

Friday, August 15, 2008

home sweet home...

here are some pictures i took downtown ft worth, like two weeks after we moved here..i'm bless to live in such a gorgeous place!

i love the reflection in the building on this one! ^
this is an old fashioned movie of my fav's ^

i love how the policeman ride around on bicycles!

what does your past look like?

this is a picture i took a while back outside of canyon, texas. Me, my little sister Anna, and my friend Matt, were going out to Palo Duro Canyon and saw this old abandoned house on the way..being adventurous and all..we decided to stop on our way back and explore...there was no sign up saying "no trespassing" or anything so we made ourselves at the fact that it might have been off limits made it that much more exciting :D haha we had to kinda climb into this house..but there was just something about it..that had me very intrigued...
we all went our separate ways kind of exploring..i made my way into the kitchen of this house and suddenly felt this breeze hit my back..right when i turned and looked i saw this hole in the wall kinda low to the ground..i bent down and looked through and saw this old door just laying on the ground...the weird thing was..this room didn't have a door...i wanted to find a way to get into it so i could get a better shot of the door..but got very confused when there wasn't a way i got as low as possible and tried my best to get the shot i was hoping to get..and i did...i focused on the bottom part of the the top part was a lil out of it that dramatic feel....
it was just such a different feeling being in this old house..that had been one would ever call this place home again..everything it was made for was telling how many families lived in this home over the years...each carrying their own stories..full of life, death, happiness, disappointments, laughter, & tears. Now after was battered and worn..just left to slowly disappear...until all that's left is memories...
One thing i absolutely love about photography is the emotions and feelings you can get from just one single photograph...and this photo for instance..automatically makes me think about my past...not that my past looks like this to other people, i think its just more of how it feels to me...things have only gotten better for me every year...actually every day..i feel a little bit I'm getting a little bit closer to being that person God is molding me to be. I know I'm stronger now from everything I've experienced in my past...and i will always hold onto those memories..but i am more than happy to leave it behind...the key is finding that place where you realize that your past is a huge part of you..but that it no longer controls you...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some thoughts...

So a lot has changed in my life in the past couple of months..I moved to Fort Worth, Texas...and I absolutely love it was exactly what I needed. Anna my little sister moved with me and we got a two bedroom apartment in Bedford. I was really hoping I could start off right away doing my photography and making money that way, but of course it's a little more difficult than that. That didn't quite work out the way that I had planned, and so I was forced to get a job. Which wasn't too bad, I have to make a living right? haha And on the up side..I got this job at a place called The Station House. We make wedding invitations and pretty much all kinds of invitations, stationary, and also sell gifts, such as candles. I am really enjoying the people I work with and the job itself, so its been all around great for me! :)
ok back on photography..haha I had to put that on hold, due to the fact that I'm about to start full time here at the Station House. But I recently got a new camera and new equipment as well :D which is very exciting! haha and I plan to have a booth in this thing called THE PEDDLARS SHOW. They travel all around texas and its a huge aray of booths that sell many different cool things. My cousin is in charge of the whole thing, and she said she would love for me to have my own booth where I could do my photography :D and I plan to start that in September sometime...and I'll be sure to update this and let everyone know details about that! :)
So other than that...My life has just been great lately...I'm happy where I am and God teaches me new things everyday...The only thing is, I miss my family like crazy! I'm just so used to having them its been difficult dealing with the fact that we are all just spread out all over texas...humm hopefully not for long...



this is one of my all time favorites, i actually did this on the first try...i usually dont have that great of cordination...haha

another project for school ..i had to have enough cordination to drop the ice into the glass and press the button on the camera at the same time...

I took this photo in Ruidoso, NM almost a year ago and then i edited it on photoshop and actually turned it into a painting myself.

we had to do a "slogan" as an assignment at school my last i asked my friend Matt to be a caveman for me..and he was happy to do it :D